Here to provide affordable, local energy for Harborough residents
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Creating sustainable energy projects in and around Market Harborough.
Community energy

Clean Energy Makes Up Record Share of UK Power

2015 has seen the UK’s renewable electricity output climb to a record 22% , a large jump from the same time last year, which only saw a meagre 17.9% of energy output coming from renewable sources. According to the report generated by the Department of Energy and Climate Change that reflects as much as a 51% increase in Bioenergy production following DraxGroup Plc conversion of their second coal-power plant to wood-power plant.

Leading the conversion to clean energy sources Utility Drax, the owner of Britain’s largest coal-fired power station, is set to overhaul a further two units at the site in northern England (totalling 4 out of a possible 6). This move, though a response to increasingly expensive carbon credit, is nevertheless an important step towards the U.K’s government aim to get at least 30% of power from clean sources by the end of the decade, up from 15% in 2013.

Want to help make this target a reality? Visit our Get Involved page to find out about local energy projects in the Harborough area.