Here to provide affordable, local energy for Harborough residents
We are Harborough Energy...

Creating sustainable energy projects in and around Market Harborough.
Community energy


Harborough Energy Limited was a social enterprise originally set up as a cooperative which then created Harborough Solar One Limited.  Both had a specific charter aim to deliver benefits to the local community in and around Market Harborough as well as reasonable returns to investors in its renewable energy projects.  Both organisations are run by volunteers run who do not gain from any profits generated.  Directors are appointed for their expertise and support as recorded in our meeting minutes.

Note: In order to simplify the structure, reduce costs and reflect changes in directors, Harborough Energy is in the process of closing down as a limited company – the vision and push towards increased community owned energy will continue through Harborough Solar One!

The board meets every couple of months to a set agenda, as well as holding our more formal Annual General Meetings. The minutes of the meetings and more information on our roles and structure can be accessed here.
Please contact us if you have any ideas, queries or questions

Data Protection

Harborough Solar One (created by Harborough Energy) take data protection seriously and operate an internal Data Protection Policy, in-line with the standards set by the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 and supported by our formal Information Commissioners Office (ICO) registration.   We operate a secure system to ensure all data collected is saved and retained safely.

Our straightforward guide may be found here: ! HE HS1 – Data Protection Guide v1 2 – JAN18

Our policies and procedures ensure all personal data collected by us is only used for its intended purpose.  They also prohibit us from sharing any personal data, including contact names, addresses and telephone/mobile numbers, with any third-party organisations without consent or as part of a contracted service.

Our updated Privacy Policy has been designed and implemented to ensure that we are also compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR May 2018).