Here to provide affordable, local energy for Harborough residents
We are Harborough Energy...

Creating sustainable energy projects in and around Market Harborough.
Community energy

Harborough Energy launches its first Community Share Offer

Harborough Energy is delighted to launch its first Community Share Offer.  You are invited to apply for shares in Harborough Solar One.

Harborough Energy’s purpose is to seek out community energy propositions and enable them to be brought to fruition via community share offers.  This represents the first of our share offers – by purSeptember_2015_images_009[1]chasing these shares, you will become one of ‘our members’.

This share offer will seek to raise £183,600 to provide the capital investment required to fund the installation of solar photovoltaics to two sites within Market Harborough, in the county of Leicestershire.

By investing in this share offer you will also be helping us to establish a community fund of £109,500 over the 20 year lifetime of the project, to reinvest in Market Harborough community projects such as generating a fund to tackle fuel poverty.

By investing in Harborough Solar One you will • Earn a projected 5% on your investment • Help us tackle local issues such as fuel poverty • Help us reduce local carbon emissions

Our share offer opens:           12th October 2015

Share offer closes:                 9th November 2015

Minimum investment:             £250*

Maximum investment:            £20,000


Investment at risk

The content of this Document has not been approved by an authorised person within the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Reliance on this Document for the purposes of deciding whether to make an investment may expose an individual to a significant risk of losing some or all of the property or other assets invested. Under these circumstances you have no right to compensation from the financial services compensation scheme, or recourse to an ombudsman.

An investment in the Harborough Solar One scheme involves a degree of risk and, in particular, attention is drawn to the risk factors set out in this Document. An investment in this scheme may not be suitable for everyone. Those interested in investing should do so only after reading this document in full and taking appropriate financial and other advice.


We are working with Ethex to manage the share offer administration and help to market the share offer. Completing the application online is paperless and the most efficient mechanism.

You can apply online through our share offer management platform Ethex at