Here to provide affordable, local energy for Harborough residents
We are Harborough Energy...

Creating sustainable energy projects in and around Market Harborough.
Community energy


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Harborough Solar One Annual General Meeting 2019

Members of Harborough Solar One have been invited to the

Annual General Meeting of the Society

Tuesday 19th November 2019

5.45—7.15 pm

Angel Hotel, High Street, Market Harborough, LE16 7AF

As well as the usual AGM formalities, we value… Continue reading

Harborough Energy Project at NBJ Officially Launched

Harborough Energy are delighted to announce the official opening of our renewable solar photo-voltaic energy project – a 100 kWp array installation at NBJ Joinery premises in Husbands Bosworth, south Leicestershire.

Officially opened by the retiring Chairman of Harborough District… Continue reading

Climate strike: What is a climate emergency?


Dozens of towns and cities across the UK have declared “a climate emergency”.

There’s no single definition of what that means but many local areas say they want to be carbon-neutral by 2030.

Some councils have promised to introduce… Continue reading

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