‘Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement would turn America from a global climate leader into a global climate deadbeat’ — Greenpeace
In response to news that the Trump administration is leaning towards withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, Greenpeace USA Executive Director Annie Leonard said:
“Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement would turn America from a global climate leader into a global climate deadbeat. Global climate action is not a legal or political debate, it’s a moral obligation to protect our planet and people. That is what almost 200 countries agreed to do in Paris, and if the Trump administration plans to withdraw from the agreement, then other leaders and company CEOs should call the US government out and hold them to account.
“The world has already resolved to act on climate, the renewable energy industry is growing exponentially, and people all over the globe are becoming part of the clean energy future. Common sense energy progress will continue with or without Donald Trump, but he is trying to make it as painful for people around the world as possible. Trump’s isolationist stance at this critical moment in history is morally reprehensible, but his attempt to derail global progress on climate change will fail.”