Solar once again UK’s most popular renewable energy technology
Solar has once again topped the Department for Energy and Climate Change’s public attitudes tracker as the UK’s most popular renewable energy technology.
Statistics released by DECC this morning revealed that 81% of those surveyed supported solar, higher than any other renewable source of energy, while just 6% said they opposed its deployment.
Wave and tidal energy was the second most popular source with 74% support, while onshore wind was the least popular but was still supported by almost two-thirds (65%) of those surveyed.
Wider support for renewables has remained high within DECC’s latest wave of quarterly questionnaires – the 14th it has released – with three-quarters (75%) of respondents stating their support for renewable energy generation. Just 4% of those surveyed opposed renewable deployment.
The statistics appear to contradict the Conservative government’s continued assertions that the general public has had enough of utility-scale onshore wind and solar farms, using it as added ammunition for withdrawing subsidies.
Daisy Sands, head of energy at Greenpeace UK, said the survey showed that ministers’ priorities with regard to renewable energy are “at the polar opposite” of what the general public actually wants.
“Popular technologies like wind and solar are having their support axed, whilst the more unpopular than ever fracking industry keeps getting preferential treatment.
“It’s becoming quite clear that people are seeing through the smokescreen of propaganda and spin created by the shale lobby and their minister friends,” she added.
Solar has once again topped the Department for Energy and Climate Change’s public attitudes tracker as the UK’s most popular renewable energy technology.
Statistics released by DECC this morning revealed that 81% of those surveyed supported solar, higher than any other renewable source of energy, while just 6% said they opposed its deployment.
Wave and tidal energy was the second most popular source with 74% support, while onshore wind was the least popular but was still supported by almost two-thirds (65%) of those surveyed.
Wider support for renewables has remained high within DECC’s latest wave of quarterly questionnaires – the 14th it has released – with three-quarters (75%) of respondents stating their support for renewable energy generation. Just 4% of those surveyed opposed renewable deployment.
The statistics appear to contradict the Conservative government’s continued assertions that the general public has had enough of utility-scale onshore wind and solar farms, using it as added ammunition for withdrawing subsidies.
Daisy Sands, head of energy at Greenpeace UK, said the survey showed that ministers’ priorities with regard to renewable energy are “at the polar opposite” of what the general public actually wants.
“Popular technologies like wind and solar are having their support axed, whilst the more unpopular than ever fracking industry keeps getting preferential treatment.
“It’s becoming quite clear that people are seeing through the smokescreen of propaganda and spin created by the shale lobby and their minister friends,” she added.