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New Energy Measures Bill Could Save UK £12bn a Year

Post by CAN Admin » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:10 pm

A new energy bill was launched in Westminster on 5 June 2015, by a coalition of green groups, which would require the government to draw up an energy white paper to investigate the costs and benefits of moving away from large power stations towards more locally-generated power and more efficient buildings.

It is estimated that the UK could save £12 billion a year by adopting this new Cost-Effective Energy Measures bill. The saving comes from the difference in generation costs between large-scale power stations (£108/MWh) and low-carbon energy from buildings – such as rooftop solar, which costs on average £91/MWh

The bill was backed by an impressive cross-party panel of speakers, and it is hoped the proposal will be introduced by an MP as a Private Members Bill, although, historically, Private Members Bills have just 11% chance of becoming law.

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