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CfD auction terms announced – REA comment

  • BEIS releases updated Contracts for Difference auction terms
  • Next auction process takes place 03 April 2017
  • REA disappointment at Government’s lack of support for both the cheapest forms of renewable power and at the lack of support for emerging technologies such as wave and tidal

Commenting on the announcement, Frank Gordon, Senior Policy Analyst at the Renewable Energy Association said

“While it is welcome news to finally have clarity on the next CfD auction the confirmation that there will be no auction for the cheapest renewables is downright disappointing. Solar and onshore wind are being excluded from this auction despite arguably being the cheapest of any form of power right now. It is a further disappointment that there has been a decision to cap deployment from fuelled technologies (such as advanced waste to energy), and to not offer any guaranteed support for emerging renewables such as wave and tidal.”

“It is positive to have a strike price for geothermal confirmed. Frustratingly, however, in order to allow them to bid into the auction they will have to demonstrate lower costs than the more mature offshore wind. A lack of ring-fenced funds will likely scotch them and other emerging renewables like wave and tidal, which have huge potential for the future.”

“What industry badly needs is a timetable for the next auctions after this one to allow them to plan for the longer term, which is now even more important in the light of the uncertainty over carbon prices and the LCF as a result of last week’s budget.”